Pondering over Poesy
I was just wondering about the quality and standard of real poetry! The worry or may be I should say, the thought came to my mind when my 13 yr old son (who's acting too big for his boots these days and who quite nonchalantly started imagining himself as my guardian and is definitely smug about his new, self appointed post) commented that all the comments and appreciation that I get for my poetry is not so much for my poems but for my profile picture! Though I didn't bother to take him seriously yet it set my mind thinking about the standard of contemporary poems.
I was just wondering about the quality and standard of real poetry! The worry or may be I should say, the thought came to my mind when my 13 yr old son (who's acting too big for his boots these days and who quite nonchalantly started imagining himself as my guardian and is definitely smug about his new, self appointed post) commented that all the comments and appreciation that I get for my poetry is not so much for my poems but for my profile picture! Though I didn't bother to take him seriously yet it set my mind thinking about the standard of contemporary poems.
For me the meters and rhyming scheme never mattered much. I just prefer to unleash my energy and emotion through my writings. My thoughts travel through the nooks and corners of nature, across the sky and around the universe, living and reliving relationships, observing the mundane and the abstract and my poems take shape. But what is the end result? Do I really have the right to call them poems? Or is it that creative writing is thoroughly subjective? But to tell you frankly, not that I really worry about this. As long as I feel good I would continue to write. Obviously, in the process, if I can give you some good read or make you relate to me on a human level then nothing like it.
In this context just let me share with you different forms of poetry that once I collected through net surfing : --
ABC poem
An ABC poem has a series of lines that create a mood, picture, or feeling. Lines are made up of words and phrases. The first word of line 1 begins with an A, the first word of line 2 begins with a B etc.
Analogy Poetry
Analogy is the comparison of two pairs which have the same relationship.
Alexandrine Poetry
Alexandrine Poetry Type is a line of poetry that has 12 syllables and derives from a medieval romance about Alexander the Great that was written in 12-syllable lines.
An Allegory is a narrative having a second meaning beneath the surface one - a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.
Ballad Poems
Ballad Poems are poems that tell a story similar to a folk tale or legend and often have a repeated refrain. A ballad is often about love and often sung. A ballad is a story in poetic form.
Blank Verse
Blank Verse is Poetry that is written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. Blank verse is often unobtrusive and the iambic pentameter form often resembles the rhythms of ordinary speech.
Burlesque Types
Burlesque Types consist of a story, play, or essay that treats a serious subject ridiculously, or is simply a trivial story. A Parody is a type of high burlesque which imitates or exaggerates the serious manner and characteristic features of a particular literary work.
Cacophony is a technique which was used by the famous poet and author Lewis Carroll. Lewis Carroll makes use of cacophony in the poem 'Jabberwocky' by using an unpleasant spoken sound created by clashing consonants. The word cacophony originates from the Greek word meaning "bad sound". The term in poetry refers to the use of words that combine sharp, harsh, hissing, or unmelodious sounds.
Canzone Poetry
Canzone Poetry
Canzone Poetry Type is usually a medieval Italian lyric poem, with five or six stanzas and a shorter concluding stanza (or envoy). Canzone literally means "song" in Italian.
Carpe diem
Carpe diem is a Latin expression that means "seize the day." Carpe diem poems have the theme of living for today.
Cinquain Poetry
cinquain Poetry Type has five lines.
Line 1 is one word (the title)
Line 2 is two words that describe the title.
Line 3 is three words that tell the action
Line 4 is four words that express the feeling
Line 5 is one word that recalls the title
Line 2 is two words that describe the title.
Line 3 is three words that tell the action
Line 4 is four words that express the feeling
Line 5 is one word that recalls the title
Classicism Types of poetry contain the principles and ideals of beauty that are characteristic of Greek and Roman art, architecture, and literature. Classicism concerns itself with form and discipline as opposed to emotional impact as in Romanticism.
Conceit Poetry
Conceit Poetry Type is where an image or metaphor likens one thing to something else that is seemingly very different. Poets often use a far-fetched simile or metaphor in this style.
Couplet Poetry
A Couplets is a Stanza of only two lines which usually rhyme. Shakespearean (also called Elizabethan and English) sonnets usually end in a couplet and are a pair of lines that are the same length and usually rhyme and form a complete thought.
Dactyl Poetry
The Dactyl Poetry Term is a metrical foot of three syllables, one long (or stressed) followed by two short (or unstressed), as in 'happily'.
A Doggerel is a light verse which is humorous and comic by nature - often viewed with disdain as containing little literary value.
An Elegy is a sad and thoughtful poem lamenting the death of a person.
The word Enjambment comes from the French word for "to straddle". Enjambment is the continuation of a sentence form one line or couplet into the next.
Epic Poems
Epic Poems are long, serious poems that tell the story of a heroic figure. Some of the most famous epic poems are the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer.
An Epigram is a very short, satirical and witty poem usually written as a brief couplet or quatrain. The term epigram is derived from the Greek word 'epigramma' meaning inscription.
An epitaph is a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument written in praise, or reflecting the life, of a deceased person.
Epithalamium Form
The term Epithalamium derives from the Greek word 'epi' meaning 'upon' and 'thalamium' meaning 'nuptial chamber'. An Epithalamium (or Epithalamion) is a wedding poem written in honour of a bride and bridegroom.
Free Verse
Free Verse is a form of Poetry composed of either rhymed or unrhymed lines that have no set fixed metrical pattern. The early 20th-century poets were the first to write what they called "free verse" which allowed them to break from the formula and rigidity of traditional poetry.
Haiku Poetry
Haiku Poetry Type is a Japanese poem composed of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables. Haiku poetry originated in the sixteenth century and reflects on some aspect of nature and creates images.
Idyll Poetry
Idyll Poetry Types are either short poem depicting a peaceful, idealized country scene, or long poems that tell a story about ancient heroes.
Imagery Poems
Imagery Poems draw the reader into poetic experiences by touching on the images and
senses which the reader already knows. The use of images in this type of poetry serves to intensify the impact of the work.
senses which the reader already knows. The use of images in this type of poetry serves to intensify the impact of the work.
Irony illustrates a situation, or a use of language, involving some kind of discrepancy. The result of an action or situation is the reverse of what is expected.
Lay Poetry
Lay Poetry Types are long narrative poems, especially those that were sung by medieval
minstrels and French trouveres.
minstrels and French trouveres.
Limericks are short sometimes bawdy, humorous poems of consisting of five Anapaesticlines. Lines 1, 2, and 5 of a Limerick have seven to ten syllables and rhyme with one another. Lines 3 and 4 have five to seven syllables and also rhyme with each other. Edward Lear is famous for his Book of Nonsense which included the poetry form of Limericks.
Lyric Poetry
Lyric Poetry consists of a poem, such as a sonnet or an ode that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. The term lyric is now commonly referred to as the words to a song. Lyric poetry does not tell a story which portrays characters and actions. The lyric poet addresses the reader directly, portraying his or her own feeling, state of mind, and perceptions.
Name Poem
A Name Poem, or Acrostic Poem, tells about the word. It uses the letters of the word for the first letter of each line.
Narrative Poetry
Odes are long poems which are serious in nature and written to a set structure.
Pastoral Poetry
A Pastoral Poetry Type is a poem that depicts rural life in a peaceful, idealized way for example of shepherds or country life.
Quatrain Poetry
Quatrain Poetry
Quatrain Poetry Type or literary term is a stanza or poem of four lines. Lines 2 and 4 must rhyme. Lines 1 and 3 may or may not rhyme. Rhyming lines should have a similar number of syllables.
Refrain Poetry
The word 'Refrain' derives from the Old French word refraindre meaning to repeat. Refrain Poetry Term is a phrase, line, or group of lines that is repeated throughout a poem, usually after each stanza.
Rhymes are types of poems which have the the repetition of the same or similar sounds at the end of two or more words most often at the ends of lines. This technique makes the poem easy to remember and is therefore often used in Nursery Rhymes. There are several derivatives of the term rhyme which include Double rhyme, Triple rhyme, Rising rhyme, Falling rhyme, Perfect and Imperfect rhymes.
Nature and love were a major themes of Romanticism favoured by 18th and 19th century poets such as Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats. Emphasis in such poetry is placed on the personal experiences of the individual.
Senryu Poetry
The Senryu Poetry Type is a short Japanese poem that is similar to a Haiku poem in structure but treats human beings rather than nature, often in a humorous or satiric way. Haiku is usually published with the name of the author and senryu is not.
Tanka is a Japanese poetry type of five lines, the first and third composed of five syllables and the rest of seven. Tanka is the oldest type of poetry in Japan .
Terza rima
Terza rima
Terza rima is a type of poetry consisting of 10 or 11 syllable lines arranged in three-line
"tercets". The Italian poet Dante is credited with inventing terza rima.
"tercets". The Italian poet Dante is credited with inventing terza rima.
erse is a single metrical line of poetry, or poetry in general (as opposed to prose which uses grammatical units like sentences and paragraphs). "Verse" is also used as a general term for metrical composition.
rose is ordinary language that people use in writing such as poetry, stories, editorials, books, etc. The word prose is derived from the Latin word 'prosa' meaning straightforward.
Prose comes in two types of text - narrative and expository. Narrative text is defined as "something that is narrated such as a story. Expository text is non-fiction reading material such as Description, Analysis, Classification etc.